Mon–Thurs: 8am –7pm, Fri: 8am - 6pm; Sat: 8am – 1pm
586 Lower North East Rd. Campbelltown SA 5074
Mon–Thurs: 8am –7pm
Fri: 8am - 6pm;
Sat: 8am – 1pm
Our Location
586 Lower North East Rd.
Campbelltown SA 5074

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain occurs in up to 30% of the general population at any point in time, and up to 44% of athletes that predominantly use their upper limbs, particularly in competitive sports.

54% of people with shoulder pain report ongoing symptoms after 3 years.
Shoulder disorders are only third to back and neck complaints for presentations to a GP in Australia.

Shoulders are tough though!! The shoulder complex is the most mobile region in the body and can move faster than any other region in the body-! Research indicates the tissue around the shoulder become pathological from not moving or doing enough, rather than overuse.
The shoulder complex is made up of the
  • Glenohumeral joint (Ball-and-socket joint)
  • Acromioclavicular Joint
  • Shoulder girdle (scapula and thoracic spine)
Classification of types of shoulder pain is important to help guide efficient and effective management. Typical shoulder syndromes include:
  • Stiff Shoulder – Frozen Shoulder, osteoarthritis, locked dislocation, AC Joint
  • Posture – Hypermobility, Instability of glenohumeral joint
  • Soft Tissue – rotator cuff tendinopathy/tears, biceps tendinopathy, labrum tears, SLAP tear, sub-acromial or sub-deltoid bursitis
  • Referred Pain – Cervical Spine, Thoracic Spine, visceral organs
Risk factors include age – older than 35 years is a big predictor of getting a rotator cuff tear, working with arms in a highly elevated position, repetitive movements, high-force demands, posture and psychosocial factors such as depression and anxiety.
Get In Touch

    How can Kinetic R+P help?
    Taking a detailed history with a focus on any changes to activity or training loads, as well as identifying any physical or psychosocial stressors to the shoulder girdle such as activity loads, postural stresses, trauma or repetitive forces on the upper limb.

    A thorough physical examination is then performed to classify the injury in-terms of the likely contributions from the glenohumeral region, AC Joint, scapulo-thoracic region, cervical spine, tendons, bursa or the labrum.

    Goals and Expectations are discussed and a management plan is established together.

    Current evidence supports exercise therapy that addresses strength, endurance and power of the muscles around the scapulae as well as the glenohumeral region, with restoration of safe functional movements.